Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Feeling The Itch and Ramblings

I'm feeling the itch lately and consequently I haven't finished much worth sharing.
I have the itch to get outside and grow something.
The itch for school to be done for the year (seriously, there are three month left, I have a ways to go)
The itch to start some new projects.
The itch to implement fresh curriculum ideas.
The itch to finish old projects.
The itch to redecorate, organize, and purge.
The itch to start a new book.
and the itch to finish one of the five I'm currently reading.

I have been spending TONS of time working on Living In A Library and putting together my plan for school next year. I'm trying to have every single thing printed, planned, and ready to go to make life easier. Not that I won't add some things along the way.

I have two pieces of furniture that I inherited from a friend that are sitting in storage waiting to be refinished. I'm waiting for the weather to get decent. Note: yesterday was the first day of spring and it snowed here. So by decent I mean above 60 degrees and dry. Yeah right....

We did finally (finally!) get to take all of The Mister's fire training stuff to the new fire department and get it out of our house! This I was excited about. We also inherited a smaller more streamlined desk from my in-laws so our den is getting a bit more organized and not so cluttered. At the moment it is a disaster area of stuff and furniture pieces, but it'll get there.

Oh....and we replaced our bathroom faucet because it....wouldn't....stop....dripping! and yes, it was actually cheaper to replace it than fix it since we had a cheapy builder grade in there to begin with. Does that count as accomplished projects? Really I just count that as annoying things you have to do as a homeowner. That's because we didn't get to put in a really cool faucet that we actually like. Someday....

I'm whiny. It's the weather. I need a serious dose of sunshine soon or I'm going to go stir crazy.
I'll have a post worth reading soon. Promise!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Living In A Library

I've been working on a new blog for a while now and I'm finally ready to share!
I had been thinking about doing two separate blogs, one for home decor, crafts, etc., and one that focuses on our homeschooling. For a while the two fit together ok but I think it's time to mix things up a bit.
You can find me over at Living in a Library where I'll be sharing our homeschooling adventures, websites, resources, and ideas. I've been having fun designing the site and I'm sure it will still get a few makeovers but for now it's up and running so please go take a peak!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

St. Patrick's Day SVG

St. Patrick's Day isn't really a big holiday in our house, but in case it is in yours, make sure you wrap up your celebration with a cute scrapbook page!
Click on the image to go to the creator's site.