Friday, April 20, 2012

Still here....

We've been really busy around our house with....well, life, I guess. I've also been focusing on the boys' schooling and gearing up for next year. I've been working diligently over at Living In A Library so you should go check it out.

Hopefully I'll have some projects to share soon. In the meantime I wanted to share this great post I found over at A Girl And A Glue Gun.
She did great reviews on free online photo editing software now that Picnic is no more.

and while I'm at it, how about a couple more....

My sister turned me onto this super fun Lego Playhouse via IKEA Hackers
 How cool would that be!?

I just discovered School Time Snippets and fell in love with this idea for a Tic-Tac-Toe chore chart.
I'm thinking this will be a great way to make sure chores get down while the boys are home with The Mister during summer break.