Friday, May 18, 2012

Guess What I Got For Mother's Day!?

I am completely and totally in love with this little baby. It does everything. I haven't spent a cent on books and I have a to-read list that's about thirty books long right now (thank you free Amazon). It doubles as a computer which I have been missing since our home laptop died and the Mister always has our Mac in his possession. And yes, I've downloaded some free apps, because everyone needs a few (or more) time wasters in their lives.

I carry it with me everywhere. Cause you never know when you'll need a good book. or a round of pong. or to catch up on some blog reading.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Laundry Room

Our laundry room is one of the few rooms in our house we haven't done anything to since we moved in and I hate it. Actually the room is huge and comes in off the back porch and has great potential but has some features I can't change at the moment which makes it difficult to work around.

Anyways, I am digging in this summer and getting the place cleaned up. I was thinking yellow at first but once the Mister and I started looking online, we're leaning more towards a bright fun green. The laundry room is barely visible from the kitchen and isn't part of the main traffic pattern so I want to do something fun and a little funky and I basically don't care what other people think.

Here's some of my inspiration

I love the collage wall from Dimples and Tangles via Remodelaholic We have a largish wall that isn't suitable for furniture or other helpful things, it's just there so I'd love to do something fun like this.

 Love this green from Flickr

I like to use things in unexpected ways and this dollhouse shelf from Pretty Organized Place is ADORABLE. I even have an old dollhouse, too bad I don't have a wall suitable for it. Boo!
subway art painted on floor (3)
 If you haven't seen this floor yet at Remodelaholic you must go check it out. It's incredible. I have really ugly old yellow (gag!) vinyl maybe I'll work up the nerve to do something like this.

 Love the stencil from BHG


Monday, May 7, 2012

Recent Pins

I promise I have some crafty things to share soon. Bubby is playing T-Ball and with additional running around I haven't been home much. 

There are a few things I'm loving recently so I thought I'd share with you my recent pins. Enjoy!
all crafts Top 10 Crafts to Make This Week {5/6} 
Super cute hand print embroidery from Tip Junkie

This ironing cover for the dryer is awesome! I have a stacking washer and dryer but our laundry room houses a giant chest freezer, perfect for this project. See the tutorial at The Crafty Scientist

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Dip
I haven't tried this yet but it looks really yummy. There is even a secret ingredient that gives it some nutritional value. Get the recipe at New Nostalgia

There are several things here that I'm adding to my list. All the details are at The 36th Avenue

and in honor of the fact that BBQ season is finally here....Honey Chipotle BBQ Sauce from  Mrs. Happy Homemaker