Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Chalkboard Blocks

I found these lovely little blocks at a thrift store a while back. Two of them have candle holders in them so I'm not sure what I will do with those.
 I took the remaining blocks and put several coats of this chalkboard paint on each block. Yes I know the picture is sideways. I forgot to turn it before uploading it and my computer is being sooooooo slow there is no way I am starting over. If anyone knows how to flip pictures once they are in Blogger I would love to know. Anyways....
 Next time I will prime first because you can see the old design faintly through the paint. Otherwise, I like how they turned out and it was a really cheap project. I plan on using these for various activities with the boys.
One activity I want to do is to use three blocks to play a game sort of like Simon Says. I will put directionals on one, numbers on one, and movements on the other. Each person will roll all three die and do what they say. For instance: hop forward three times, turn in four circles. Etc.

Here are some other fun ideas

Chalkboard Building Blocks by Craft Knife

entry and chalk blocks - march 010
March Blocks by The Creative Collage


  1. I love love love this idea! I could have so much fun with this at home and at the preschool! Thanks so much for sharing! I am visiting from Reasons To Skip The Housework and I am a new follower!! I hope you have a great week and I hope to see you around soo!!

  2. Very cute! Love the chalkboard paint! Still haven't tried it yet though! Would love to have you link this up to my {wow me} wednesday link up party going on over on my blog right now. :)


  3. love this idea could be so useful think I will be trying it for sure come see me at http://shopannies.blogspot.com

  4. These are fabulous - can't wait to try them with my boys!
