Thursday, December 29, 2011

Yep...I'm addicted

I'm signing up for more reading challenges. I've already been searching my bookshelves and put together a shelf for "to read" books. Can't wait to get started!

Caiti is hosting a 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die challenge. If you don't have the book with the list of books ;) don't worry, she includes a link so you can print the list online.

52 Books in 52 Weeks52 Books in 52 Weeks from Robin McCormack. There are a couple of side challenges to add a little more fun. The rules are simple, the only thing that doesn't count are children's books. Enjoy!

Award Winning Books Reading Challenge from Gathering Books. I'm shooting for a Silver Medal which is 11-25 Books. I'd love to go higher and hopefully I will, but I have a lot of reading to get to so I'm just keeping it real ;)

The Hopeful Librarian
From The Hopeful Librarian the Unread Book Challenge. I may finally get to some of the books that sit on our bookshelves always overlooked.

Historical Tapestry is hosting a Historical Fiction reading challenge and they include adult and ya fiction. Since this will tie in nicely with the Award Winning Book Challenge and many of the books the boys and I will be reading for the children's challenges I can't go wrong. I read a lot of historical fiction already so I'm going to shoot high and go for the Severe Bookaholism: 20 books level. Good luck readers!

My Overstuffed Bookshelf is hosting this fun challenge. I'm certain I read many more books than this. I guess we'll find out....
1) Shilo    2) Jacob Have I Loved     3) The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes     4) The Hobbit     5) The Tale of Despereaux     6) The Scarlet Letter     7) Mrs. Dalloway     8) The Cricket in Times Square     9) Maniac Magee     10) Hot Six     11) Around The World in 80 Days     12) Serendipity
13) Seven Up   14) A Year in Provence   15) Tojour Provence     16) Under The Tuscan Sun     17) Dead Is The New Black     18) The Fiction Class     19) A Fine Line     20) Through The Looking Glass     21) The Wind in the Willow     22) Plum Lovin'     23) An Italian Journey     24) Charlotte's Web

Ok, and now I'm really done. Maybe...


  1. Hi Gabrielle! Thanks for joining the Reading Challenge! I'm looking forward to reading some of your recommended titles. Best of luck with the challenge! :)

  2. Thanks for joining the 1001 Books to Read Before You Die Challenge! Can't wait to see what you read!
