Monday, January 6, 2014

Weekly Wrap-up: The one with the laundry room organization

I had a wonderful first week of 2014! I was able to cross off everything on my weekly to-do list, and I had time for a few extras!
My menu planning paid off, we had a home cooked meal every night this week AND I found three new recipes that we loved. 
All of the Christmas stuff is packed up and put away. I'm working on decorating some display shelves we put up just before the holidays and I'm having a great time digging up some treasures to put there.
I'm still in clutter busting mode and took a load of stuff to the thrift store today. While I was there I had to take a peak around of course and found some treasures I'll share soon.

I continued on with some reorganization all around the house, but especially in the laundry room. It still needs some work, but here are some photos of what I have going on right now.

I didn't get a before of this one, but here it is in all of it's organized glory.

 Above the folding table before

Above the folding table after

Pantry/food storage before

Pantry food storage after

I'm an organizing junky so I had a ton of bins and boxes on hand that I used. The bigger bins that are holding most of my pantry supplies are from Walmart and I love them! I've used them all over the house. They are sturdy, stack nicely, come in a variety of sizes, and the handles fold over the lid to help lock them in place. Every box has a label on it that I made using Word and laminated. I use velcro dots to attach the labels so they are easy to change and move around.

I have four baskets going across the folding table. One for each of the boys, one for The Mister and I (guess who needs to put their laundry away, oops!) and one for towels. When they remodeled the laundry room they were going to put a sink in that counter, I'm actually glad they didn't. I put all of the boys' clothes on hangers (that go on hangers) as I'm folding the laundry and hang them on the edge of the counter, when they do their chores they take their clothes and put them away.

I put a tension rod diagnoaly in this cubby and used Ikea pot hooks to hang up brooms and mops. Love this! It keeps everything off the ground and easy to find.

How did your first week go?

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